Monday, 11 December 2017

Save the Earth.

The earth is dying. You may not know what that means. It means that trees, animals, plants and seas are dying. Though you may be trying to shut out this reality, that means that we not only are dying, but are going to go extinct. You, your, parents and grandparents. Your siblings children and grandchildren are going to die. Help raise awarness. Click or tap Here or and Here to join Prince Ea in his complain to save the forest.

If you still need some convincing read this before you sign your death wish.

Consequences of chopping down trees.
How would you feel if you chopped down trees to near extinction? You know, if you know and don’t do anything about it the bloods on your hands too. Imagine this if loggers chopped down all the trees so they’re extinct. What would happen to earth?

Well first floods would frequently strike the earth 10 x more often. We know this because trees need water. They use their roots to suck water from the ground so that means that not only do trees help prevent floods, but help in the recovery of floods. Floods can devastate communities and kill thousands of people and huge resources would be used repeatedly to help the relief of this, or even worse resources would not be given because they could not be spared.

Now wildlife. All the animals that call forest, bush and jungle home would die! This is because they would have no cover from poachers. As well their diets would need to change.  Flesh eaters like tigers and lions would be forced to hunt in the city were the police ‍‍would be forced to shoot the animals. Not only that they would manage to kill humans which means that hundreds of people would die yearly because of it. It could be you! It could be your parents or your grandparents! It could be your siblings. It might even be your child. Yes they would hunt children and their death toll will rise. We would also have a lot less meat. The animals would die and you could end up eating on beef pork and lamb for the rest of your life. Is that what you really want?

Super diseases will spread rapidly resisting our treatment. Quick let’s run to the amazon and collect unsampled plants to heal it. But they’ve been chopped down. Children men and women start to die. Diseases spread to ½ the globe. Millions even billions dead. Chances are you are one of them or know of them. All right maybe I’m being a drama queen but remember Ebola. Remember the contagious flood of death, sorrow and fear. We know that this kind of thing can happen again. It’s inevitable. What if as a last ray of hope scientists test substances in the Amazon and find the one thing that could have saved the world but in the end we all die!

Now all that death, terror and disease isn't the worst of it. That was assuming that we found a way to breath in carbon dioxide instead of oxygen. Yep that’s right trees were put there by science or whatever god you believe in for a reason and that reason is that, trees take out all the carbon dioxide out of the air, and replace it with oxygen. So without it carbon would increase by at least 50%. Oxygen rates would fall by around the same amount. That means that 90% of the earth's population would die.

In conclusion if you chop down trees, diseases, lack of breathable air and rapid floods would end up leaving you dead. So get off the couch, get up and help. Don’t hide behind excuses like it’s not our problem because it is. It is our problem. So don’t leave it to others. DO IT. Die or help! It’s really up to you.

Sunday, 29 October 2017


Blowing, destroying, killing
Eating, sucking, dropping
Speeding, slowing, stopping
Raising, warming, cooling
Fighting, winning, dying.

Double meaning. Can you discover the features of wind hiding behind the words.

The cycle of life

The cycle of life.
Sleeping, Crying, Crawling
Eating, growing, walking,
Running, fighting, winning
Losing, maturing, believing
Loving, caring, reproducing

Can you geuse why these are important, why they happen and or what stage of life.

My poem.

My poem.
This poem is about nature. The words have a meaning that has an meaning under the surface. See if you can figure the words. Comment to find if you are wrong or right.

Blowing, swirling, drowning.
Growing, eating, dying.
Shining, raining, falling.
Swimming, lying, drying.
Fighting, winning, loosening.

M.I.A Uncle. Search for the Tiger Eye.

The Search For The Tiger Eye.
By Regan
Chapter 1
The Mysterious Chest

My uncle was a explorer, who traveled the world to find treasure until he disappeared in 2015.
Yesterday the postman delivered a box from my uncle. It was a small wooden box, but rather heavy. On one side there was lock.

 It was the 24/12/2016 the same day Uncle Jeff was supposed to arrive home but didn't and at 10:58pm 2m until 11:00pm when Jeff was supposed to arrive.
The clock chimed 11:00 and a key appeared in the lock. With shaking hands not sure what to expect I turned the key, suddenly the key turned hot, hotter, unbearably hot. When it started cool down to what felt like -5 degrees, suddenly I was thrown into my bedroom wall.
“Regan what you doing up there” shouted Mum “Santa won't come until you're asleep” shouted Dad “Ha Ha” I shouted down. “I don’t believe in santa” I shouted again before turning to face the chest. As I faced the chest a strange green glow hung over it and disappeared. I stared until the clock chimed 11:15pm. I peered into the chest and saw a note, with trembling hands I opened the note and it read it’s self

Dear Regan
I am sorry for disappearing like this and I know it is the subject of great sorrow but very dangerous things are playing out, but the last thing I was looking and found was a amulet that can take you through time.
But first I shall tell you what is need to know about my disappearance.
First, the exact date I disappeared was november the 28  when jesus was 2015 years of age and you know that deep down, don't you?
Second, I was captured by a mysterious kingdom in which evil I had been learning about for my search for that amulet.
Third, I was a rescued by another mysterious kingdom which seems to rule this and many other worlds in the shadow and other worlds openly.
Forth, You with the contents of this box must travel to ancient rome and greece to find me, follow the directions of the map and you will find not only me but all your questions from your birth to the place of this map shall be answered!

Your’s sincerely
Jeff Morris.

I looked inside the chest once more and saw a amulet that I knew at once was the one Uncle Jeff was speaking of for the strange marking of time and centuries engraved on it.
Dong went the clock as it chimed 11:30pm I looked in the box again wondering what I was about to see, jelws or the or uncles hat for prof. I looked inside the box and saw…
Boom! A roar of thunder growled and boomed through the window I looked back inside the box and saw, “A BACKPACK” “REGAN” “NOTHING MUM” Then I realised there was something magical about this back pack and I put the amulet and note in nothing happend so I turned to the chest and I saw 200 pounds worth solid pure beautiful jewelry and I dumped in my back and lifted it the contents shrunk, I quickly pulled out the amulet it popped back to It’s usual size so I Put back into the backpack and didn’t worry when it re shrunk.

Dong went the clock as it chimed midnight so I decided to get everything in that chest in the morning. I hid the chest and back pack and lied on my back and was asleep before my head hit the pillow. In my dream I dreamt that I was in ancient rome wearing a ambassador uniform with a pin saying New Zealand's ambassador but whenever I past a roman it disappeared. Then I was talking to the emperor of rome telling him of my country and the badge reappeared but this time with a silver fern a kiwi and kereru together making peace.

Chapter 2
The Mysterious Gifts

“WAKE UP REAGAN WAKE UP PRESENTS! SANTA HAS LEFT US PRESENTS!”  “Go to sleep Todd” I murmured half asleep. “IT'S 10:00am “Ok ok I'm getting up” I said. Todd left the room and I pulled out the backpack and then opened the chest put that in the bag suddenly everything in the chest spilled he caught sight of his uncle's hat, a magic map and god knows what else. The door slammed on the wall and sure it was going to fly of its hinges and saw I cameron. “IM U-.
Suddenly everything disappeared and all I saw  was black…
“4 hours” Boomed a voice then I appeared back in my room. “-p. Now.” I said “GET OUT OF MY ROOM!” Cameron disappeared from my room and I went down. I was santa this year so I had to read out the presents.
When I got down Mum sent Todd out the room and I dressed up as santa. And sneaked to the tree and waved some dust then bellowed, “HO HO HO HO WHO WANTS SOME PRESENTS” Mum ran into the room and saw me and crooked, “Santa” being unsure then saying “Santa it is you. KIDS SANTA'S HERE” she yelled. Befor I said “Who wan-” “Santa-” Todd yelled but I replied “It's rude to interrupt Todd, Now the first person to g-” Then I broke of. “Now wheres Regan” “Just put in his room” Replied mum. “Ok Now the present goes to, I checked the label, Mal from No it-it-it can't be!” What” everyone asked at once “Uncle Jeff” I said I-My elfs saw him disappear”. Any way open your present” she opened it with trembling hands and inside was heaps of very expensive and delicate jewelry. “The next present goes to Al From, Uncle jeff! When Dad opened his present he saw a note explaining about the disappearance but did not read it outloud. Todd got a present from Uncle Jeff which was a unbreakable watch that turned into a shield. He gave Cameron a rugby ball encrusted with gold and jewels yet light as a feather that always returned to him. And me? I got yet another chest!

Chapter 3
The Letter

I opened that back pack and took everything that fell out of the chest when I put it in my backpack then opened the other chest and its entire contents. There was a sword that said General William, there was a bow, a light saber, a fully armed and automatic reloading x-wing small sized, a pair of armor and a helmet that said Sir King Regan. 596 pounds of dark Ghana chocolate, 10 Wookie Warriors and servants a army rifle, a everything proof vest, another note and more.
I opened the note and again it raised itself into the air and said,

 The Kingdom of thorns
A long long time ago your planet and countless others were ruled by an evil kingdom, the Kingdom of Thorn in the year 399 bc a secret kingdom had formed a rebellion against this planet and at took a week planet slightly controlled by the kingdom of thorn and beat the kingdom of thorn out of the planet with some additional unneeded support from the planet and beat the remotest threat of thorns out of the planet and that planet became under the rule of the leader of that rebellion, General William I This successful attack on the planet caused many other planets to secretly send request to the rebellion to protect help protect them when they declared independence from the kingdom of Thorns. The kingdom of thorn blew up a peaceful planet to prove it can meanwhile the rebellion took hold of many other planets and had more people to try and defeat the kingdom of thorn, but they needed to take hold of a planet that created clones so General William lead a team to the planet Kamino, which decided to side with the rebellion and decided to give the Kingdom of Thorns bad clones and the clones also had a chip implanted in their brains, Order 88 that told the clones to eliminate all the generals. Kemono then decided to get to work on creating a better Clone army with chips that always helped the rebellion and also set up the rebellions own private cloning station in the capital of the rebellion. As the Deed was signed the rebellion ceased to be the rebellion and became the kingdom of nature because General William and his original solders which have all been promoted to supreme commander or general under general william had powers other nature. The king of thorns decided to destroy the planet that was first taken over by the rebellion and successfully destroyed it so the kingdom of nature and the planets under its rule went into hiding and placed false memories to the subjects of the kingdom of thorn that made them believe that they had destroyed the rebellion.
A decade passed & the kingdom of Nature and their clone army decided that it was time for them to attack the kingdom of thorn and there first move was to commend order 88 which killed every single general and the king's eldest son. The battle lasted  a month and the end General William had won the battle.

Now a millena  after General William I beat the kingdom of thorn out of the universes that we rule now the kingdom of thorn has come back to oppose us and we beg you follow the map, for It’s our only hope your only hope of winning the war and surviving.
Follow your heart & it will lead you through this quest & if you follow the map I swear your uncle will be safe!
Yours sincerely

Regan Morris III King of Nature

Treeer Leave King of trees

General Regan the II Top general to the king

General William XXVIII

Chapter 4
The Journey

I put everything in my backpack and took out the map the instructions said Go to the amazon jungle 1963 and find the tiger eye, A eye made out of enchanted ruby and keep it until the end of the map. I knew what to do I put the map in my bag and concentrated on the Amulet when a voice “State Century” I replied “20th century” “State year” “1963” I said. “State place” The voice said. “Amazon Jungle” Suddenly I wasn't in my room I was in the amazon jungle. I opened my bag and saw Uncle Jeff's hat a can of bug spray the sword belonging to General William and the map when I opened the map I saw an explanation of the tiger of eye which started as this.

The Tiger Eye
The Tiger Eye is a mysterious enchanted ruby sculpture of King Tiger Roar the VII King of Tigers placed and chosen by the tigers & agreed on by General William I and his son Prince Charles. X years after this General William died leaving a devastated Prince, king of nature. King Tiger Roar comforted and helped Prince charles get over the death of his father and move on. Prince Charles decided to create the Tiger Eye as a gift to King Tiger Roar as thanks and he himself enchanted the Tiger Eye with power no one Knows of and at a ceremony King Tiger Eye who liked the planet earth often resided in a jungle presently called the Amazon Jungle in which is rumoured to hold the Tiger Eye and till this day know one knows what the Tiger Eye looks like and why it was called the Tiger Eye!

By Richard Kent
578 BC

The Tiger Eye is known to be a sculpture of King Tiger Roar after Sir Trezzer Morris claimed to of seen it and was found in the Amazon Jungle XXV Years ago and told his son everything saying “The Tiger Eye, I-I could of lifted it in my-my-my hand it wa-as a e-e-exact model of King Tiger Roar and the e-eye it was it had an eye which you could see the intelligence that eye has the power to kill someone a thousand universes away and you could see the surroundings of it on years on end but it's best power was to be able to destroy a solar system but the power could only be unlocked by a soothsayer who could truly see into the future!

By Plors Kent (1876)

Nature Kingdom at War!

The Nature Kingdom is at war with the kingdom of pain and already lost hold of 5 planets. In a statement today the King Regan II has announced that “We are already aware of the damage and have a plan to get the tiger eye which can destroy an entire planet and will use it if necessary to blow up a system originally controlled by the kingdom of pain.” The King of Nature has not released the location of the tiger eye but has sent explorer Peter Morris and others to collete the tiger eye!

By Fundulus kent

Power of The Galaxy Missing
The Tiger Eye is missing after Peter Morris and his expedition transplanted to the place of the Tiger Eye in the Amazon Jungle and found the Guards of the Tiger Eye, 1,000,000 of the best clones, Tigers and Trees all lying on the ground with no mark on there skin.
An Emergency council has been called by Kings Regan II, Trezzer, King Roarer III, and are expected to meet today while scientists and investigators are trying to discover who took it and recover it!

By Fundulus Kent

“So I'm supposed to find the tiger eye?” I Questioned Myself “Yes” I jumped out of my skin. “And I looked and saw a elf, I assumed it was a elf for it was tall, about six feet in height with a quiver and and arrow as well as a bow hanging on his side. “W-W-Who are you?” The elf chuckled “I am Lord Legolas of his majesties forces and sent here by the king to advise you” “Which King are we talking about exactly?” “King Regan King of Nature” “So I’m supposed to deliver it to the king of nature?” “Yes” said Legolas! “OK” We set off and traveled for three days before something happened, we were attacked by a by a black mamba which Legolas shot with an arrow. Then we came by a tiger and I reached inside my backpack and pulled out my sword but Legolas forced my arm down and hissed “He’s the guard of the Tiger Eye!” I suddenly felt a belt on my waist which had a case for the sword. I sheathed the sword when the tiger growled “Who are you? What do you want?” I replied “We are looking for the Tiger Eye to stop it from being stolen! “Very well I sense you're telling the truth. Come” We followed the tiger and came to a clearing which the sun shone through directed right into something I couldn’t see because a lot of people that shared the same face, tigers and trees were guarding it. When they saw us they moved aside and I saw the tiger eye gleaming in the sun when suddenly, CODE RED CODE RED UNIDENTIFIED PERSONAL CODE RED CODE RED IT’S EL- oh a man fell down from a lookout post when all the trees closed up,the sun stopped shining and the men drew different weapons some lightsabers others blasters other men came up with swords and rifles. legolas drew his bow and I pulled out my sword. The invasion began, “Commando Droids, swords up.” Yelled a clone every one who had a sword or lightsaber formed a line. “Attack” A battle commenced we hadn't lost a man and their first wave had nearly been destroyed when I felt power gathering something was about to happen just then a soldier fell down dead and as I watched his wounds began to heal I took his gun and fired at the trees. Someone fell down dressed in robes carrying a wand looking in the trees I saw a green light zoom from a branch and hit a trooper. He fell dead without a mark. I fired a range up in the trees, legolas who looked over to see how I was doing saw me shoot a range into the trees and then saw three people fall down from the tree dead or dying. He yelled “Fire into the trees. I began wondering why weren't the trees attacking then I saw a spear the size of a huge branch pierced the ground and a dozen droids and intercept  several green lights before hitting the soldiers. I ran out of ammo and found my bow and arrow on top of the back pack. I saw a shadow appear and a boy step out. He shot a blast at the person who was commanding the clones and and a series of light flashes came out and knocked him to the ground.  A medical solder came and felt his heart beat. “He's alive” he announced. I knocked and arrow and shot at the figure. He touched the arrow with his hand and consumed it. “Allow me to introduce myself. I’-” “No need Todd” Spat legolas “Cease fire” said Todd. He had ginger hair that fell 2cm short of his eyes. His hair was also well groomed and his eyes were hazel and glinted with a fiery pride. He had a cruel calm smile that matched his clothing which was a suit so black that you could imagine a Galaxy without a single star. His shoes were engraved with images of death glittering a gruesome light. “  Hold it right there” Said a well a creature that was up to my waist shriveled green and had wisdom glittering within his green eyes. He held no weapon but one could tell but he had an air of power around him! “Under arrest you are ” said the creacher. “Master Yoda. A pleasure to see you. And a pleasure to kill you, master” he shot lightning out of his fingers. Yoda somehow absorbed the blast closed his fist. “Predictable as always Todd” Said Yoda then shot the very lightning he had observed back at Todd. Todd had barely any time to react but just managed to jump high shot a series of lights. The same that injured the clone, who began to stir. Yoda jumped a great height and avoided the light as easy as waving his hand. Yoda shot more lightning except the colour was green, it hit Todd and dazzled him. Yoda then outstretched his arm landed on the ground and lowered him to the ground. Suddenly a cage made of branches appeared and Yoda was about to put his hand out and control Todd and put him into the cage. Todd roared so loud it made the branches wither and the cage sunk into the ground. “Ok you win.” Said Todd “But I've got a surprise for you” Suddenly a million tentacles came swooping down. “PATRICKPUSS” Yelled a clone. “A what? Whats a patrickpuss?” I yelled suddenly I was being picked up by the tentacles I shot my arrow up and the creature roared with pain and drooped me. I opened my backpack and saw the X-Wing. I took it out and it grew into flying size. I hopped into the cockpit and when I climbed in I noticed a few things, for one there was a wookie in there with me number two there was a droid in a hole outside the ship that fit it perfectly. “Time to get going” said the wookie. “You know how to fly this thing?” He Asked “No I replied. “You’ll catch on. That's the trigger and that's the controls of the ship. I’ll handle everything else.” Right” I said and I started up the cockpit and took up in the air flew up in the air. The first thing I noticed was I wasn't alone in the sky. Clones were piloting jets and all sorts of things I never saw before and they were all aiming at single tactical. I shot were everything else was shooting at and the tentacle fell of. Then while everything was occupied with the monster that was destroying everything Todd had took the Tiger Eye and disappeared Literary disappeared with all his forces including the monster.

The Disappearance
Chapter 5

“Let’s go” said Legolas. I was still in shock from what had happened. “He just he just-” “Stole the tiger eye and disappeared with all his forces” “Yes” I replied. ‘Dont worry I put a tracking device on the Patrickpuss” “What’s a Patrickpuss”.

“Ma’am I need you to calm down” Said Chief Detective Morris. He was shot only about 2.1 meter, he was well built and his face was determined but wise at the same time. “Where is my little boy” I shrieked, my voice sounded shrill. It was christmas afternoon & we had invited most of our family for a christmas lunch and dinner. “We will find out” said Detective Homes. A normal sized man standing at 2.5m well built and smart face. “But we will need a witness statement from everyone here” Said officer White’s “You don’t think it was anyone here I shrieked at officer Whites how stood at 2.9 meters tall was well built and had a strong determined face. “It’s just protocol” said officer Whites. “Homes and Whites it’s time you collect witness statements.” “Yes sir” they both said and began to talk with my family. “Ma’am” said Chief detective Morris. Do you know of anyone who would want to take your son?” “No” I said “He was a sweet kid with a big heart & a kind generous nature” I stopped dead. “Ma’am what is it?” Chief detective Morris asked. “N-nature. He loves nature.” “And” said chief detective Morris, who was struggling to see any connection to the case. “He loved nature. He used to pretend he was the king of nature.” I said thinking about it. “King of Nature” said chief detective Morris his voice suddenly sharp as a knife. “Yes” replied Mal slightly surprised “Thank you Ma’am that will be all.” Said Chief Detective Morris.

Chief Detective Morris
(Regan Morris)

Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang! I was at the firing range unlike but everybody else I wasn't aiming for the kill shot, but the hand & gun disarming the target’s effectively. “Chief Detective Morris please report to the front desk. Chief Detective Morris please report to the front desk” I rushed down to the front desk where the main General of the Nature Kingdom was saying to Captain Lawrence “Sorry about taking him of your hands for a little bit but it should only be an hour.” “No no that's fine” Replied captain Lawrence. A little while later The general and I were walking outside a medieval palace with active defences being manned by people with yellow british uniforms with IN TRAINING stitched on the uniforms. “What do you want sir?” Asked Chief Detective Morris. “We understand you are investigating a disappearance of R.J Morris!” Started the general. “Yes that is correct” I stated “What have you got?” Wondered the general “Well two things of importance for you guys.” I answered “Go on” said the general with a smidge of curiosity creeping in. “Well his uncle was Jeof” I offered. “Not the Jeof Morris the famous explorer that went missing last year?” He asked. “That's the one” I said “But he also pretended to be the king of nature when he was about 7 or 8” It takes a lot to surprise the general but that effectively did the trick. “But that means” “Yep” I answered. “CODE RED CODE RED! ALL TROOPS MAN BATTLE STATION’S! THIS IS NOT A DRILL CODE RED CODE RED! ALL TROOPS MAN BATTLE STATION’S! THIS IS NOT A DRILL” Yelled a voice on the loudspeaker. “Go” yelled the general. “No I yelled “NO” I yelled back at him. “Fine” the general said the general clearly exprated & worried. “THERE BEHIND THE WALL” Shouted a voice. I leveled my gun and the general drew his sword, then the wall exploded.

Chapter 6
The Meeting
Regan Morris

“What’s a patrickpuss?” I asked“A Patrickpuss is a, a well it’s hard to explain but there should be a page in the archives”  replied Legolas
The Patrickpuss
The Patrickpuss is a giantic monster with hudge tentacles that is quite capable of destroying a army of Men with just one. This mysterious Monster was one of the first monster’s born with it’s sharp teeth & deadly sight it is always tough to beat. The Patrickpuss is only been seen and fought in the first war against the kingdom of thorns. The Patrickpuss is believed to be extinct.

“It says here that it’s extinct” I said shocked that a huge monster could be believed to be extinct when it was clearly not. “Yes” replied Legolas “Come” he said suddenly “Where going after the tiger eye.” “What?” I asked “Where going after the tiger eye.” Said Legolas as if explaining it to a five year old. “But we don’t even know where it is” I said. “I do” said legolas.“1943 Jan 28” “And where do I materialize?”  I asked. “Germany” Legolas replied. “We're going Reichstag” I channeled the power of the amulet and put my destination and suddenly we were inside Herr Hitler's office where he was writing he looked and saw us and yelled “GUARDS ARREST THIS BOY AND THING!” Guards started pouring in we were courned with no escape.

What will happen next. Find out in the next book. Will they be captured? Will they be killed? Will they escape?

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Detective Morris and The Posined Water

Detective Morris And The Poisoned Water!

Elan was working on a important document with a glass of water at his side. Elan is the chairman of a New Zealand based shipping company called Plotkin and co shipping. Elan took the glass of water and drank then continued on with his work.

“So what have we got?” Regan, (the detective of Sewlen) asked
“Elan Plotkin, chairman of Plotkin and co Shipping.” Replied Sam. (The autopsy guy)
“The cause of death was poison probably put in the glass of water.”
“Right run it for prints and let’s see what we can find.” Said Regan and then asked “Who found the body?”
“Elan’s maid Mary” Constable Rick replied
“Have you collected her statement?” Regan asked.
“No” Constable Rick replied
“Right I’ll get onto it” Reagan said exasperated.

“Mary I need to ask you some questions standard procedure since you found the body.” Regan said in a soothing voice. Mary said nothing so Reagan took the silence as a yes. “Do you know of anyone who would want to hurt or kill Elan?” Regan asked.
“Well no.” Mary replied uncertainly.
“What are you hiding?” Regan asked catching on to her tone immediately.
“Well we had a dinner guest tonight William Laurence and I could of swore he poured something into the water jug.” She replied. Immediately Regan closed his note book and replied
“I’ll go check it out.”

Regan pulled up in front of of Plotkin and co shipping and climbed out of the car and casually walked to the door. Importantly he opened the door and walked up to the front desk. “Do you have a appointment sir” Asked the desk operator in a droning voice.”
“No but I think we can make an acceptation.” Reagan replied flashing his badge.
“What do you want” He asked him eyeing him cautiously.”
“Do you now Elan Mr uh Mr-”
“Hawker Tate Hawker and yes the no good scumbag” He said in an angry voice.
“Why what did he do to you?” He asked in a soothing voice.
“I’m his son, my Mum just told me and he said that he would rather die than accept me into the family and that Mum was a dirty little scammer.” “Where were you last night?” Regan asked calmly. I was at dinner with my family.” “And may I ask if where you were dining and who can confirm this?” “At my house and yes I suggest you talk to my Mum & Dad. There my neighbours.” He replied annoyed. “Why?” “Elan was found dead this morning and you’ just earned a place in my suspect book.” He Answered confidently. “Now I need to speak to William.” Exclaimed Regan
“Yes sir” Tate replied obviously trying to get in his good book. “Take the elevator to the 12th floor.”

Regan was standing in the elevator thinking he may have established three suspects but only Tate and William had motivation for murder. Tate had practically been disowned by his own father and William had everything to gain from his death. Becoming chairman of this company which is earning $1,000,000  a month. But Mary and William were the only two with mean’s so far but he was confident he could change those numbers. Ding. The elevator startled him out of his thoughts. He walked briskly out of the elevator and knocked politely on the door Chairmans office. “Come in” Answered a brisk voice. Regan walked into the office and said
“Hello Mr Laurence. I’m Detective Morris & I need to ask you some questions.
“Well ask away” William replied nervously.
“What do you think of Elan?”
“Elan is a little ruthless” He answered nervously.
“How?” Asked Regan
“Well he would break the law to get what he wanted.”
“And what was your personal opinion of him?” Asked Detective Morris “Uh well he was uh rude and dishonorable.”
“Where were you last night?”
“Well, after work Elan had invited me over for dinner a-”
“And why was that?”
“At dinner he said that he was working on some very important document that would determine my future.”
“Thank you that is all keep in touch.” And Regan then walked out of the room.

Knock Knock Regan was knocking at Elan’s Parent’s. “Coming” Yelled a voice. The door opened Regan saw an elderly woman in her late 60’s “How may I help you?” She asked politely.
“Hello Ma’am may I come in?” Asked Regan flashing his badge.
“Yes yes come in.” She said slightly nervous. “Is Mr Plotkin in?”
“Yes he is.” A gruff voice answered
“Mr & Mrs Plotkin I’m afraid that your son was found dead this morning and-”
“No Impossible it can’t be. I saw him only yesterday.” Mr Plotkin said in a stunned voice while Mrs Plotkin just sat in disbelief no tears running down their faces. “I’m going to have to ask you to confirm that it is really him.

Beee Boooo Beeee Booooo. Regan and Elan’s parents were in the police morgue. “Sam unveil the face” said Regan
“Sir” said Sam and removed the blanket from just anoth so you could only see the face.
“It’s him” said Mr Plotkin then joined his wife who had been crying silently in the corner of the room upon seeing his face.
“I know that it is hard but I need to ask you some Questions.” Mr and Mrs Plotkin remained silent. “Do you know of anyone who would want to harm your son?”
“No. Not one person” Shrieked Mrs Plotkin.
“Thank you that will be all.” Replied Regan not wanting to push them.

Regan was walking to the morgue a ½ hour later after researching all about the company he had discovered that Tate as the son of Elan would stand to inherit all of Elan's shares and he owned ⅕  of the company's shares. The dividend allown would give him $1,000 dollars a week which equals $4,000 a month which is the same as $48,000 a year without having to work a pretty nice payday for a desk agent.

“Ahh good you're here Regan” Regan had just walked into the morgue with its test tubes hanging on walls and 3 tables for the dead guys Elan was on the first one. “I have just got the results back from the glass and the person and the fingerprints match Tate Hawker employe of Laurence shipping -”
‘Wait William has changed the name he never mentioned that.”
“Did he not? That’s weird.” said Sam puzzled
“Right. Did you say Tate had his fingerprints on the glass?” Regan asked thinking that he’s looking more & more likely.
“Yes but there was also fingerprints matching Elan and Mary”
“No surprise since Elan was the one who drunk the poison & nor is the fact that Mary’s fingerprints are on the glass if she brought it to Elan. Oh and by the way could you please test the water jug n the evidence box and I want the results in by tomorrow afternoon.”
“Yes sir”

Ding Dong. “Coming” … Ding Dong “I’m coming I’m coming. Oh detective how are you?” Said Tate when he realized who was ringing his doorbell.
“I would be better if you didn’t keep me waiting for five minutes.”
“Sorry, umm come in.”
When I walked into the house I immediately noticed a dart board with Elan's picture on it. Something told me those darts hanging from his chin weren't because he thought Elan would look better with a goatee.
“Tate.” I said getting straight to the point. “I’m going to have to take you down to the station for Questioning.”
“But I already answered all of your Questions and told you all I know.” he said a little quickly.
“Yes” I replied “Everything except that I should expect to find your fingerprints on the glass that contained the poison. Can you tell me why I found your fingerprints on that particular glass?” Silence. “Tate Hawker you have the right to remain silent. You have the right to call your lawyer. You do not have the right to order food while you're in the interrogation room.” I had checked the clock when I arrived it was 5:30pm plus I was hungry.

“Can I start by stating that my client does not have to answer any of your Questions” Said Mr Twiss, Tates lawyer.
“I’m well aware of that Mr Twiss but he should also know that if he doesn't answer my questions in the eyes of a dury it would make him look even more guilty.” I said “Now Tate where were you all day yesterday.”
“I got up at 8:00 in order for me to get to work at 9:00. When I got to work at 8:50 Elan asked to meet me at noon in his house.”
“And is that when he disowned you?”
“And may ask what your reaction was to this?” Tate remained silent
“Was there any physical contact?”
“And you're 100% sure of this.”
“I think I would remember if I hit my father.”
“And can anyone confirm that there was no violence involved?”
“Yes, the maid. She rushed in when she heard the heated voices.”
Thank you Mr Hawker that is it for now.” Said Regan and made towards the door.
“Is my client free to go?” Asked Mr Twiss
“No” Reagan replied leaving the room.

“Sir” Said Constable Rick ounce Reagan left the interrogation room.
“Yes Rick.” Replied Regan.
“I was digging in some of the company's files and it appears that when Laurence Shipping were building a cargo vessel called Sunny Days there was a robbery in the Elan’s office.”
“And did you look into it?”
“Yes. It appears that Detective Inspector James Cullen was investigating until Constable Lui replaced him and a Charlie May was arrested.”
“Nice work Rick.”
“But that's not all.” said Rick. Rick waited a few seconds before saying “He had a brother named Bill May, who disappeared the same night as his brother robbed Elan’s office. Bill May also had a daughter named Mary May who worked as a maid for Elan.”
“Get uniform to bring her in for Questioning and contact Detective Inspector Cullen and ask if he’s willing to meet me tomorrow morning.” said Regan whose mind was moving at a million miles an hour.
“Yes Sir” Replied Rick.
“And Rick” Said Regan. “I’ve got an appointment with my Superiors next week and I’ll put in a good word for you.” Said Regan and then walked out of the room.

“Detective Inspector, good of you to see me on such short notice.” Said Regan. It was 10:00 am and Regan was meeting with Detective Inspector James Cullen.
“James please. Whats this all about?” Asked James.
“Well I’m investigating the death of Elan plotkin and we notice you were removed from a certain case.” Answered Regan
“Is it the case with Charlie May?” Asked James
“Yes.” Replied Regan. “I believe that it would help the investigation if you gave us your opinion.”
“Well I was called in to Elan’s office and found an absolute mess.” Started James.
“Which you tend to get if the person was looking for a special something.” Said Regan.
“Yes, but what struck me as odd was the fact that he only took the contents of one envelope and what's more he opened it with Elans letter opener like he already new what was in their.” Replied James
“So what was in the letter?” Asked Regan.
“$430 dollars in cash” Replied James.
“But the file shows that he stole $457.90 in cash.” Said Regan puzzled.
“Yes because after he pocketed the $430 dollars in cash he then opened the safe with a key he did not have, took another $27.90 but left a valuable coin collection worth over $3,000.” Replied James Importantly.
“Soooo” said Regan.
“I looked further and came across the night watchman who lives in a train carriage & looks like a tramp.” Said James with respect in his voice.
“And did he tell you what happened?” Asked Regan
“Yes he told me that he saw Charlie rush in ¼ of an hour later run out followed by Elan. He then told me that he saw them listen to the hull. That followed Elan ordered his men to lay down their instruments in silents then going inside where they continued work. Charlie rushed into the building but left 15 minutes later calm.”
“Thankyou James.” Said Regan.

Reagan entered the interrogation room at 10:15am and sat down in front of Mary and asked, “Mary why didn’t you tell your real name?”
“I want a lawyer.” said Mary. So ten minutes later Henry Twiss walked into the interrogation room and Regan started again.
“Why did you murder Elan?” Asked Regan.
“I must protest. Don’t answer that.” Said Henry immediately
“I didn’t kill Elan!” Said Mary I didn’t poison him.”
“Who said anything about posin?” Asked Regan.
“You did” Replied Mary uncertainly.
“No I didn’t” Replied Regan. “You see I never told you the cause of death. Yes I told you he was dead but I never told you how Elan died. Also when you said that William put something in the water jug yet forgot to mention that Elan had a row with his unlegetimite son it kind of hinted uncertainty. Another Question. If William did as you say put ‘something’ in the water jug then why are you sitting before me right now? Why aren't you dead?” Regan said firing shot after shot them all hitting their mark.
“Well uhh there are separate jugs for different people. One for me, one for Elan.” Replied Mary thinking fast. Henry was sitting down dazzled and speechless.
“Are their jugs for dinner parties?” Mary didn’t answer “Is their a water jug for dinner parties?” Asked Regan again
“Yes” Said Mary Quietly.
“So correct me if I’m wrong a good and faithful maid like you pass yourself to be would make sure that the only water jug he would of seen was the dinner parties jug therefor killing himself & Elan.”
“Yes” Replied Mary “But I saw him do when he was about to leave.”
“So” Grilled Regan “You would of given Elan his personal one. But there is one more thing. There was only one jug.”
“Fine I did it!” Yelled Mary “I did it!” She exclaimed and then said “I regret nothing.”
“Explain how.” Said Regan for it was not a question.
“I was cleaning Elan’s office when I found Elan’s diary open. I was about to close it but I saw my name on it, so I looked. On there was a confession that he killed my father only so he didn’t miss the deadline.”
“Why didn’t you hand it in to the police?” Asked Regan.
“Because he would if pleaded to manslaughter and even if the jury thought it was murder he would of got 30 years 40 at most. So I took it into my own hands. I told Elan a lie to get him to invite William over to scare him. After he left I took a glass with fingerprints on it and scammed an exact copy onto the jug. Unfortunately it was Tate’s and no William’s fingerprints on the jug. I poured some poison in the jug and gave it to Elan. I watched him die. He begged me for help but I just laughed.”

“Congratulations Regan.” Said James.
“Cheers Jim” Said Regan. “Detective Inspector” Said Regan looking at his watch. “Great scot is that the time. Got to run Jim I promised to help my son with his Maths homework!” “See ya Regan.” Said James looking at his watch. “Oops I’m meant to be helping my son with his Reading Homework.” and with that the two friends ran out of the pup and rushed home.

The Hobbit and the Battle of the Five Armies.

Movie Reflection
The Hobbit & The Battle Of The Five Armies!

17th October, 2017


The Hobbit & The Battle of The Five Armies.
The movie The Battle of The Five Armies was based on the smash hit The Hobbit & The Battle of The Five Armies. The Author was J. R. R. Tolkien. The brilliant Peter Jackson decided to turn the series, (the hobbit, & Lord of The Rings) into 6 movies. This movie is a Fiction story, and I choose it because it was the best movie in the series mainly because of the fighting between Dwarves, Elves, Man, Orc & beast

Cover:  Have you heard the saying never judge a book by it’s cover? Well the picture and certainly the title will make you look back. I chose this movie because I’m into dramatic fantasy with battles preferably Dwarven battles.

The Setting
This movie is set in middle earth, or more specifically the lonely mountain. The lonely mountain is a single mountain on one side of a huge lake. In the middle of the lake is a floating town called lake town. The reason they live on the lake is to protect themselves from the dragon that lives in the lonely mountain.

The Characters
The main character is Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is a hobbit from the shire who agreed to accompany the dwarves in the first movie. The dwarves that I am referring to are the company of Thorin Oakenshield. Bilbo accompanies 12 dwarves and a wizard to the lonely mountain as their burglar.

At the start of the movie not the series the dragon Smaug tries to destroy lake town. He gets shot by bard the archer. The news spreads that the dragon is dead and the elves and men try to attack it. An army of dwarves from the iron hills is sent but one minute into conflict an army of orcs attack the mountain. Thorin tries to kill the head orc n a fight to the death. Find out who wins. The battle of the five armies.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Slow Writing, Koru Games.

Limits and restrictions.
1. First sentence must start with a action. 
2. Second sentence must have five words EXACTLY. 
3. Third sentence must contain a simile. 
4. Fourth sentence must contain 19 words EXACTLY. 
5. Fifth sentence must start with an adverb, E.G: deadly, cooly, venomously.

Slow Writing.

Sprinting across the field, I yelled to a teammate to pass the ball.
I knew he wouldn't pass.
Like a storm of rain I yelled in vain.
He attempted an impossible shot and lost us a lot, because the goalie needn't’ move, yet another loss today.
Amazingly we didn't lose every game.

Friday, 1 September 2017

Gurdian and the War of the Dwarves! Part One

Gurdian and the War of the Dwarves!
(Part One)
“DRAGON! DRAGON ON THE HORIZON!” Yelled Gunder one of Gurdian's new troops.
“Let it be. It’s not even looking in this direction. I’ve got to report this to general Thiyer.” Gurdian answered crossly.

As Gurdian climbed the tower he ran into Fenaras a powerful forest wizard.
“How do you do Gurdian?” Asked Fenaras in a deep voice.
“Not good” Gurdian replied. “Gunder has spotted another dragon and I’ve got to report it.”
“Really.” Said Fenaras in a puzzled voice. “That's the 3rd one this week. And it’s only Thursday.”
“Well I’ll let you think it over” replied Gurdian.
Meanwhile in the throne room general Thiyer and Lord Hamerfur were talking when the old dwarf seer Philipo stumbled into the throne room.
“A battle is near.” Croaked Filippo “Beware the 5th dragon. Beware the 7nth death. He will attack on the 2nd night of dark. Beware Goblins, Beware Orcs. Beware the enemies of Dwarf. You must prepare or perish!” Croaked Philipo and collapsed.

Gurdian ran into the throne room and knelt beside the throne.
“Gunder has spotted another dragon on the horizon.” said Gurdian. “Why is Philipo on the ground?” He then asked.
“Just the person I wanted.” Said Hamerfur “Philipo has just predicted an invasion on the 2nd night of dark and I want you to prepare the defences with General Thyir.”
“Yes my lord” said Gurdian puzzled. The mouth of dark is a dwarf month. It holds power. Things either go really good or really bad. The dwarfs say that the darkness is enchanted to bring luck. Good luck for those who not only deserve it, but need it or bad luck for those who have been unkind to others. It is pitch black in the month of dark.

“Let’s start with the inner defences.” Said Thyir
“I quite agree” Replied Gurdian “Well put the 200 Dwarfs with high armor and Mobility, as well as some traps will do fine.”
“Yes but I can think of one problem with that.” Replied Thyir warmly. “What if one of our people gets caught in a trap?”
“Well” said Gurdian “We have up till the 2nd night of dark right?” Gurdian thought outloud.
“You think we should train dwarfs to naturally avoid them?” Said General Thyir “Brilliant.”
It’s always been envy of the humans that dwarfs are the best thinkers and planners. Quite remarkable that what two dwarfs could think of. Within 1 Hour which to Dwarfs is like 1 minute. They had thought up traps ranging from simple trap doors to complicated pressure plated traps which plants would come up and drag them down.
The next hour they had figured a simple training program so the dwarves could avoid them. They then did wall defences and in two hours they had designed and sent them to the master builders which consisted of boiling water to scorch enemies too oil so it’s impossible to climb the walls. Within a 6 week period dwarfs had been trained and resources mined. Spells had been placed and potions brewed. In another 6 weeks two months of traps had been built and resources gathered. Potins poured in flasks. On the last day of light everything and everyone was prepared for the oncoming battle but dwarves began to carve getaway passages and hidey holes just in case.
1st night of dark the 5th dragon that week was spotted and the 7nth dwarf died from a terrible mysterious illness.
The cry of attack was sent up by Gunder whose yell pierced the night.
“Goblins Dragons Orcs! Were under attack!”
Gurdian immediately rushed into the lookout post and saw an army approaching through the forest. In fact it was so dark that he knew that his dwarfish sight was the only reason he saw them. He rushed down into the throne room yelling, “By the command of lord Hamerfur, metal and spirit I call upon you to protect the castle. Trapactalate!”
These were the secret words. Immediately amour and statues came alive and every spirit that had walked into this castle as friend not foe had risen, a small army in itself. He and the 300 dwarfs under his command suddenly filed out from secret passes came and formed ranks and waited just outside the heavy door. He was joined by lord Hamerfur, general Thyir, and several other commanders with their forces.

BOOM! BOOM! Sizzzz BOOM BOOM! CRASH! The great gate crashed and was falling when suddenly a huge log slammed upon the door flinging it onto the first wave of orcs!
“Chaaaarge!” Yelled the commanders. Gurdian ran in and clashed his war hammer against one orc, then a goblin, turned and blocked, smashed a goblin, fizz. Boom! His war Hammer flew out of his hands. Furious he pulled out his enchanted sword and brung it down against a heavily armoured Orc. His sword melted through its armor like it was paper. Then he swung it and it hit a wizard sword cast by a Madge to stop Gurdian from slicing of his head. Gurdian stabbed the wizard. The wizard collapsed immediately dead.
“Light of dark.” Yelled Gurdian and immediately part of the opposing army collapsed survelly burnt yet as black and cold as dark.
Fenaras was shooting spells, causing trees roots and bushes to appear and attack Orcs.
Hammerfur was smashing orcs and goblins left right and centre with his heavy war hammer while muttering healing idercatoins healing wounds of all dwarves.
Thyir was slicing orcs and wizards with a light sword while throwing hand axes at enemies with precise precision.
Gurdian was slicing through a wizard when he felt an unnatural icy wind which froze dwarf, orc, goblin and wizard alike. He was one of the few dwarves who withstood it.
Fenaras had just burnt a fellow wizard when he felt it. He was of the two wizards who withstood it.
Hammerfur was smashing a wizard into a blue spot on the floor when he felt it. He felt no more than if it dropped 4° celsius but he could not fail to notice that nearly everything freeze.
Thyir had sliced through the first human that had entered the fight when it froze he felt the wind moments later and looked surprised.
The only unfrozen lift forms left were the plants conjured by Fenaras, 100 dwarves commanded by Gurdian, all the dwarfish commanders and generals.
A black wizard walked through the frozen creatures and laughed. Immediately a spirit attacked the wizard wearing black robes. The wizard shot light from his fingernails and immobilised the spirit.
“Grimsbane.” Said Fenaras.
Immediately Gurdian muttered an indication and several hundred dwarves unfroze.
Hammerfur had said something like, “holy s***.”
The wizard Grimesbane lowered his hood. Everyone on earth had heard of Grimsbane. He was the most evil creature to walk the earth. Grimsbane killed people and had anoth power to destroy a entire city. Grimsbane was disfigured so much it was hard to believe he was once handsome. He was so ugly I would vomit if I tried to describe it.
“What is your business here Grimsbane?” Asked Gurdian gruffly with no hint of a tremor in his voice.
“Ahh that is simple” Replied Grimsbane with an Icy cold voice and a strange accent. “I want your gold, your magic and of course your craftsmen to make me more.”
“Only the good get what they seek, for one with a true heart seek only love and good. Only the Evil seek but never find for they have no heart and are never satisfied.” Chanted Hammerfur. “You want our gold, you want our magic and our craftsmen but you will not find the secret of the dwarf so begone.”
“That chant about evil not finding good or something is beautiful but false.” Replied Grimsbane “For I sought an army and I found”
“Yet have you satisfied your need? No!” stated Thyir. While this exchange was going on Gurdian was chanting a spell. He was a dwarf with magic stronger than many of his kinsmen and his spell was discreetly banishing Grimsbane from the halls of the dwarf.
“You will all die” Screamed Grimsbane losing his temper and tried to point with an arm that was not there. Grimsbane lost control of his freezing spell and he fled leaving his army to die. Dwarf began to overwhelm the invader despite their small size the army began to flee but was cut down by traps that had not been triggered. The army managed to escape but with heavy losses.

Gurdian was called upon the king.
“Gurdian thanks to your spell Grimsbane fled our halls. Thanks to your spells his army falls.” said Hammerfur. “Why are you not of the enchanters?”
“I’m sorry sir, but I know not of the enchanters.” Replied Gurdian.
“Yes yes that should be true and all at your rank, but I think you’ve proved yourself worthy. Yes the enchanters are our mostly guarded people. You yourself have 10 in the dwarfs under your command. Enchanters are dwarfs. Dwarfs, with high magical powers and trained by a wizard. Fenaras has been a valued asset to the enchanters. Yes, Enchanter's enchant our gold and jewels to make them more valued. They bless our weapons with special powers and our castles. They are the core, the heart of a dwarf settlement. Without them, without them we lose our wealth. We lose nearly everything that dwarfs take for granted.
They are identified by the wizard our other enchanters and are loyal with pure heart and soul.” Explained hammerfur “And only those that are generals and above can know.”
“But-what?” spluttered Gurdian.
“Let me explain again, it does take a lot to get used to.” Signed Hammerfur. He was not surprised, though disappointed.
“No no” Gurdian Exclaimed “It’s just if they are our most important asset why are they fighting in separate squadrons?” Asked Gurdian.
“Alas I haven't a clue. Fenaras is the trainer therefore the protector of the enchanters.” Hammerfur replied
“Yes consider this your promotion to general of the 197th battalion rank #197/197.”
“Thank you sir. Am I to know the identities of the enchanters?” asked Gurdian
“In time yes in time.” replied Hammerfur.

Gurdian and the War of the Dwarves!
Part One Complete

By Regan

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Visual Mihi

A week ago we had to do a visual Mihi for school. Please don't comment on Mr Mystery Man's nose. I'm not good at drawing.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Why Mussel’s Are Black & Unloved

Why Mussel’s Are Black & Unloved

Once there was a shell named mussel. Mussel was the most beautiful shell in the sea. Mussel had layers upon layers of every color arranged to make beautiful patterns. One day Mussel meet Power a shell who was completely black and couldn’t blend in the light ochen which was full of sunlight. Power was the least loved creature in all the sea which made Power constantly angry. When Mussel saw power who was cooling of in seaweed, he laughed and gloated about his shell and insulted Power’s. Power attacked mussel. Fortunately Tangaroa who was relaxing in the watery sunshine heard what Mussel said and was swimming over when Power attacked him. Furious with his creations Tangaroa pulled them apart. Still angry Tangaroa grew twice his normal size & bellowed. “POWER, YOU HAVE ATTACKED SOMEONE WHEN WORDS COULD OF SOLVED YOUR PROBLEM! FOR THIS I BANISH YOU TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA THE ONE PLACE IN ALL THE OCEAN WHERE IT IS AS BLACK AS THE DARKEST NIGHT!” Roared Tangaroa. Tangaroa who was still angry and had heard the words that motivated Power to do such a horrible thing he then turned on to mussel. “MUSSEL YOU HAVE NEEDLESSLY PROVOKED POWER AND INSULTED HIM! FOR THIS YOU WILL GO TO TANE MAHUTA DOMAIN WHERE HE WILL SUCK ALL THE COLORS OUT OF YOUR SHELL ONE BY ONE!” And with a wave of his hand they both disappeared,but unfortunately for Tangaroa who in his anger had forgotten that Mussel was the keeper of the colored ocean and if the color was lost from his shell it would soon to be leave the ocean.

Mussel reappeared on land and found Tane Mahuta waiting for him. Tane Mahuta took a piece of magic greenstone and said to mussel, “I will first take the golden sunlight weaved so carefully into your shell and lighten the darkness so my children the trees do not have to grow so tall and take some to the kiwi bird so he may fell sunlight again.

Meanwhile in the ocean it was two days later and power whose eyes had just adjusted to the black when it suddenly got colder and darker but it was hard to tell, but up near the surface Tangaroa was talking to te aihe the leader of the dolphins in the sunlight when it suddenly went dark and cold. “What happened?” Asked Te Aihe. “I don’t know.” replied Tangaroa.
“I’m moving my brethren to shallower waters so we may keep our young warm.” said Te Aihe.
“Be warned Te Aihe that you will need air to survive in the sunlight when you were made in the deep.” said Tangaroa.
“A consequence I will take.” said Te Aihe.

Back in the forest Tane Mahuta had returned a week later & said to Mussel who his attempts to escape were shaking the earth so hard trees began falling down.
“Mussel.” Tane Mahuta began to start speaking “It is obvious that you want to return to the sea so the next color I will take is the blue of the sea and I will use it to color the rivers that led to the lakes in the forest.” and the blue in Mussels shell disappeared. Mussel shrieked and moved trying to get free therefor creating the biggest earthquake the earth had ever seen so big and powerful that Tāwhirimātea felt the shaking sent a tsunami in reply.

This caused Tangaroa to notice that when the sea came back it was green not blue. Getting scared he called on Power who befor he was banished was a loyal quester for Tangaroa. Power entered not sure what to expect.
“Power I need you to go on a quest for me.” said Tangaroa awkwardly.
“I will go my lord for I see now that I should not let my anger control me. What's the quest?” asked Power?
“The ocean is losing its color. I need you to find out why.” said Tangaroa. So Power searched deep & wide Shallow & Tall until he came across old fish Te Ika E Mohio Katoa.
“Oh Great One.” Started Power, “What is the sea losing it’s color and warmth?”
“When the color keeper losses it’s colors the ocean will to.” Replied Te Ika E Mohio Katoa.
“Where can I find the color keeper?” Asked Power.
“The Tsunamis are caused by his struggles to get to the sea to stop those you must bring him back. But it will be too late to save the colurs. We are nearly past turn back point! Tangaroa must appoint a new Color Keeper!” and with that Te Ika E Mohio Katoa turned back to his cave. When Power returned to the the throne room of Tangaroa he repeated what Te Ika E Mohio Katoa had said. Smiling he said to
“Bring back Mussel from the forest.” he then turned to Power. “Power” said Tangaroa with an air of suspense. “I grant you the colors of the sea onto your shell.” and every color of the sea appeared onto his shell. “It is your job to spread the colors into beautiful colors.” Power tried to speak but Tangaroa cut him of. “Power I now appoint you Color Keeper of the Sea but so the colors can never be robbed there will be a shell to protect you and the Colors.”
“I thank you Tangaroa-” but he was cut of by a scream of fury from mussel.
“Nooooooo” and Mussel attached Power but Tangaroa pulled them apart and spoke to Mussel.
“You will only have one color black but all the colors on the inside where no one can see to remind you of what you once were.

So that's why the only thing Mussels are used for is food but Power become shells of beauty and become the best jewelry ever so don’t hold anger or resentment in your heart and soul so you won't end up like Mussel a empty shell of what he once was.

Tim the Turtle

The soundly singing Turtle was singing away into the pitch black cold night bringing light and warmth into the deep dark depths of the ocean. He was a beautiful creature creature with jewels on his shell the size of Stingrays, ranging from sea green emeralds to sky blue sapphire. He was singing into the night when the jealous Oceanus who had been banned from singing because he would create Earthquakes whenever he sang cursed, Tim the Turtle so the top ½ of his shell would become an Island. Tim the Turtle would be cursed to sing for the end of his days but before he died he made the emeralds in his shell became trees and the sand that had collected become the sirens who will sing into the night bringing sailors to their doom. CRASH there goes another one & if you listen closely you will here Tim the Turtles daughters singing into the night bringing cold and darkness into the cold dark depths of the deep.